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Cirurgia de Espatlla i Colze.....Mes de 12 anys fent anar el blog. Per tenir memòria del que passava i recordar desprès el que ha passat.
2 d’oct. 2018
Totes les companyies que fan protesi van en la mateixa direcció i Materialise talla el bacalla en el tema de les guies personalitzada 3D.
30 de jul. 2018
Mes de plaquetes mes factorets per FACTURAR
Platelet-rich plasma in fibrin matrix to augment rotator cuff repair: a prospective, single-blinded, randomized study with 2-year follow-up
Our results showed no benefit from PRPFM used for rotator cuff repair according to the WORC Index, Simple Shoulder Test, and shoulder strength index.
Dr quan temsp recuperare la funcio despres de la pròtesi ?
Molt interesant per les espectatives dels pacients en la consulta...
MMI occurred at 1 postoperative year following rTSA. When preoperative measures were compared with 1-year postoperative outcomes, all but 1 PROM demonstrated significant clinical improvement (P < .001). There were no significant improvements between any 2 subsequent time points beyond 1 year (P > .050). Range of motion significantly improved between preoperative and 1-year levels (P < .001). No PROMs or range-of-motion parameters significantly improved beyond 1 year (P > .999).
Patients achieved MMI at 1 postoperative year following rTSA. Patients showed rapid improvements in subjective symptoms within the first 3 months and continued to gradually improve until 1 year. Surgeons should counsel patients with these evidence-based expectations for clinical recovery, particularly the time frame of expected improvements in pain, function, and range of motion, as well as risks of and plans of action for postoperative complications.
12 de maig 2018
Aprofitant el article anterior descobreixo el index de Charlson per mesurar comorbilitats i poder comparar edad amb comorbilitats... De pas un excel que ajuda a calcular-ho.
Aqui el paragraf en que es fa esmena :
General patient health at index surgery was measured using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). The CCI is a validated measure of burden of disease. Comorbidities are weighted from 1 to 6 for mortality risk and disease severity and then summed to form the total CCI score. Complication rates were stratified by CCI scores to analyze the association between base- line comorbidity burden and surgical complications after shoulder arthroplasty. Rates of complications, admission for a surgical complication, and revisions were calculated for each surgical group and for combinations of surgical group and comorbidity score.
Aqui el paragraf en que es fa esmena :
General patient health at index surgery was measured using the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). The CCI is a validated measure of burden of disease. Comorbidities are weighted from 1 to 6 for mortality risk and disease severity and then summed to form the total CCI score. Complication rates were stratified by CCI scores to analyze the association between base- line comorbidity burden and surgical complications after shoulder arthroplasty. Rates of complications, admission for a surgical complication, and revisions were calculated for each surgical group and for combinations of surgical group and comorbidity score.
Shoulder arthroplasty in the US Medicare population: a 1-year evaluation of surgical complications, hospital admissions, and revision surgery
S.B. Floyd et al. / JSES Open Access 2 (2018) 40–47
Background: The objective of this study was to describe patients receiving each shoulder arthroplasty procedure and to assess surgical complications, hospital admissions for surgical complications, and surgical revisions among Medicare beneficiaries undergoing shoulder arthroplasty.
Methods: Medicare patients receiving shoulder arthroplasty in the United States in 2011 were identi- fied from Medicare administrative data and classified by surgery type:
1.- shoulder hemiarthroplasty (HA)
2.- anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA)
3.- reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA).
Surgical complications, hospital admissions, and revisions were identified during the year after the index arthroplasty procedure.
Results: Therewere 24,441 patients who met all inclusion criteria.
20.0% received HA,
42.5% - TSA,
37.4% - RSA.
Compared with RSA and TSA recipients, HA recipients tended to be older and sicker and were more likely to be Medicaid eligible. The rate of new surgical complications and related hospital admissions was greatest during the first 50 days after surgery but remained significant and stable throughout the remainder of the year.
Rates of complications and related hospital admissions were greatest for HA recipients
HA (17.4% and 6.6%, respectively),
RSA (14.2% and 5.1%)
TSA (9.4% and 4.0%).
Conclusions: The rate of adverse surgical outcomes after shoulder arthroplasty differed across popu- lations that received HA, TSA, and RSA and across patients within each group by comorbidity burden. The finding that the rate of surgical complications and related hospital admissions remained meaningful during the entire year after surgery suggests that a postoperative follow-up period longer than the traditional 90 days may be warranted.
Methods: Medicare patients receiving shoulder arthroplasty in the United States in 2011 were identi- fied from Medicare administrative data and classified by surgery type:
1.- shoulder hemiarthroplasty (HA)
2.- anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA)
3.- reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA).
Surgical complications, hospital admissions, and revisions were identified during the year after the index arthroplasty procedure.
Results: Therewere 24,441 patients who met all inclusion criteria.
20.0% received HA,
42.5% - TSA,
37.4% - RSA.
Compared with RSA and TSA recipients, HA recipients tended to be older and sicker and were more likely to be Medicaid eligible. The rate of new surgical complications and related hospital admissions was greatest during the first 50 days after surgery but remained significant and stable throughout the remainder of the year.
Rates of complications and related hospital admissions were greatest for HA recipients
HA (17.4% and 6.6%, respectively),
RSA (14.2% and 5.1%)
TSA (9.4% and 4.0%).
Conclusions: The rate of adverse surgical outcomes after shoulder arthroplasty differed across popu- lations that received HA, TSA, and RSA and across patients within each group by comorbidity burden. The finding that the rate of surgical complications and related hospital admissions remained meaningful during the entire year after surgery suggests that a postoperative follow-up period longer than the traditional 90 days may be warranted.
Pot ser que l'alta incidència de revisions de les hemi sigui un altre factor mes que ha fet augmentar la indicació d'una Inversa?. "Si non e vero ....
11 de març 2018

Podeu veure que les luxacions de l'espatlla han precisat sempre de una ajuda externa per ser reduïdes. En aquest gravat del segle XVI veieu de quina forma es proposa la reducció de una luxació d'una espatlla a un soldat alemany. Poder auto-reduir-se aquestes lesions , sobretot en els pacients que tenen recidives, es quelcom molt útil per al pacient que li estalvia temps i dolor i pera la societat que l'estalvia recursos.
El Dr F. A. Marcano , un company del servei publica al jbjs la revista mes prestigiosa de cirurgia Ortopèdica, la utilitat i validesa de un mètode de autoreducció de les luxacions anteriors de l'espatlla i posa èmfasi en la utilitat.
Teaching Patients How to Reduce a Shoulder Dislocation A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Boss-Holzach-Matter Self-Assisted Technique and the Spaso Method
F.A. Marcano-Fernández, MD, MSc, et alt. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2018 Mar 7; 100 (5): 375. DOI10.2106/JBJS.17.00687Un altre article sobre la metodologia de la maniobra de reducció Descriu el mètode.
Dimitrios Stafylakis, MD, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016.
Aqui unes imatges del article de la maniobra

I un petit vídeo que ho explica dels residents de la Augusta University, Georgia. USA.
27 de gen. 2018
Les eines de recerca cada cop estan mes a la mà. Ara que ja imprimim fractures per planificar-ne el tractament cerc que podem pensar en moltes altres coses que segurament també es faran en breu "realitat".
M'ha sorprès que pugui comprar per relativament pocs diners una càmera d'infraroigs per al mòbil o tauleta amb SO iOs o Android. Si es capaç de mesurar... podria ser capaç de generar un treball de recerca?
Tot depèn de quan fiable i fina es la mesura que fa i de quan precisa la que puguem necessitar.
Per fer ...
1.-Control dels reimplants ?
2.-Identificació viabilitat penjolls ?
3.-Control dels penjolls un cop posats ?
4.-Evolució de ferides quirurgiques de procesos proxima a la pell com el genoll ( comparació en pacients similars...mateix gruix de greix ...)
5.- Formant part del pac de automatitzacio de la consulta i control del pacient.
6.- Simplement descriure les bases del control termogràfic d'un procés traumàtic ja podria ser un primer pas
Aqui teniu un article que exemplifica el tema...
Assessment of lower extremity ischemia using smartphone thermographic imagingPeter H. Lin, et alt.; Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques; December 2017
RS online es l'empressa que els ven per uns 400€.
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