21 de febr. 2020

Instruments quirurgics impresos en 3D

Una misio a mart no necesita instrumental quirurgic necessita una impresora 3D...curiós. Tenir un instrument quirurgic esteril en poc temps es una molt bona aplicacio de la impressio 3D. Aqui alguns aricles d'on treure trend's de fa pocs anys en ça.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is nihms-997787-f0003.jpg

Three-dimensional printing surgical instruments: are we there yet? Rankin, Timothy M. et al. Journal of Surgical Research, Volume 189, Issue 2, 193 - 197 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2014.02.020
Conclusions: Our estimates place the cost per unit of a 3D-printed retractor to be roughly 1/ 10th the cost of a stainless steel instrument. The PLA Army/Navy retractor is strong enough for the demands of the OR. Freshly extruded PLA in a clean environment, such as an OR, would produce a sterile ready-to-use instrument. Because of the unprecedented accessi- bility of 3D printing technology world wide and the cost efficiency of these instruments, there are far reaching implications for surgery in some underserved and less developed parts of the world.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is nihms-997787-f0004.jpg

3D Printed Surgical Instruments: The Design and Fabrication Process. 
George M,  et alt. J. World J Surg. 2017;41(1):314–319. doi:10.1007/s00268-016-3814-5 Conclusions: Functional 3D printed surgical instruments are feasible. Advantages compared to traditional manufacturing methods include no increase in cost for increased complexity, accelerated design to production times and surgeon specific modifications.
3D Printed Surgical Instruments Evaluated by a Simulated Crew of a Mars Mission  Wong, Julielynn .Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, Volume 87, Number 9, September 2016, pp. 806-810(5) Discussion: These limited findings support further investigation into the creation of an onboard digital catalog of validated 3D printable surgical instrument design files to support autonomous, crew-administered healthcare on Mars missions. Future work could include addressing sterility, biocompatibility, and having astronaut crew medical officers test a wider range of surgical instruments printed in microgravity during actual surgical procedures.