24 de des. 2020

Cutibacterium acnes is an intracellular and intra-articular commensal of the human shoulder joint

Cutibacterium acnes is an intracellular and intra-articular commensal of the human shoulder joint

Level III Cross-Sectional Design Epidemiology Study
These data indicate that C acnes is a commensal of the human shoulder joint, where it persists within macrophages and stromal cells. Compared with culture-based methods, immunohistochemical staining can increase C acnes detection. Phylotype II seems to be most prevalent in the deep shoulder tissue. The high detection rate of C acnes in osteoarthritic AC joints might link its intra-articular presence to the initiation of osteoarthritis.


No seria mala idea pensar en una etiologia "externa" de l'artrosi...